пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cleanrooms west

I�wish I�had more time.
I wish my character hadnapos;t died in the Sims.
I�wish I�wasnapos;t so young.
I wish I didnapos;t feel so old.
I�wish I�could have a lavish wedding.
I�wish I could travel the world.
I�wish school wasnapos;t so hard.
I wish I�didnapos;t have so much homework.
I wish I�werenapos;t so lonely.
I wish I�was skinny.
I wish I was pretty.
I wish I�didnapos;t have so much laundry.
I�wish my feet werenapos;t so big.
I�wish my computer could be reformatted.
I�wish I�had a new digital camera.
I�wish I�had my own microprocessor.
I wish I had more money.
I�wish I�could afford life.
I�wish people would like me.
I wish I�werenapos;t a bitch.
I�wish I could take psychology classes.
I�wish I�had time to do art.
I�wish I�didnapos;t complain so much.
I wish I�had an iPod.
I�wish I�didnapos;t have ADD.
I�wish I�didnapos;t have bipolar disorder.
I�wish bipolar medication didnapos;t make me feel so shitty.
I�wish people would listen to me.
I�wish I�had more clothes.
I�wish I�had more shoes.
I wish I�had a different purse.
I�wish I�was healthier.
I�wish I�could sleep in my dorm.
I wish my hair would do what itapos;s supposed to.
I�wish my nails wouldnapos;t break.
I wish I�felt appreciated.
I wish I�felt needed.
I�wish my scars would disappear.
I wish I�was smaller.
I wish I�could run away.
I�wish I�could disappear.
I wish people would notice me.
I�wish it was always autumn.
I�wish I�could spend more time with Dan.
I�wish I�could spend more time with my family.
I wish I could spend more time with my friends.
I�wish I�hadnapos;t lost touch with so many people.
I�wish I�could take a vacation.
I�wish I had a new job.
I�wish I�wasnapos;t so lazy.
I�wish I�exercised more.
I�wish I�had more motivation.
I�wsih I�could fast forward life.
I�wish I�could pause time.
I�wish I�could feel alive.

I�wish I�wasnapos;t such a failure.

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