воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

failed to open the connection

So life has been good to me the last two days.

Last night I hung out with Gracie and Sasha. We went to Voodoo and I FINALLY got my Maple-Bacon bar. LORD�it was good Iapos;d been craving one for over a month, but never had the time to go over there.

I went to the Apple store today to figure out what was wrong with my iPod, and after about five minutes I walked out of the store with a brand new shiny iPod I am SUPER excited, because mine was two years old and had more than a few scratches. I now know though that you donapos;t want to�wrap your headphone cord around the iPod when itapos;s plugged in. Apparently�that is why mine broke, but the guy said since he couldnapos;t prove that he was just going to give me a new one.

After the Apple store, my parents took me to the grocery�store and I got some food�stuffs Sweetness Iapos;m happy I can actually make�myself something to eat now...HAHA Then�we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch. Yum

�Anyways, I hope the next few days are just as good

failed to open the connection, failed to open the ipsec driver, failed to parse.

desert pineapple

Brooke had gotten to the gym early, decking the place out in blue and gold balloons and streamers just for that extra school spirit feel, and setting up the rest of the place. There were plenty of moddable snacks set up on tables, and breakfast set to be delivered in the morning, and sheapos;d stored extra sleeping bags, pillows and blankets against the wall for people to take if they needed some. And because Brooke was Brooke, there were some extra things set up for people to enjoy, because you couldnapos;t just leave it at that.

Once she was finished, she headed to her room long enough to get ready, then came back down to the gym in her best Clothes Over Broapos;s pajamas to get the party started.

[Open to everyone, though wait for the OCD or I will find you.]

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

every day buddy holly

So many people I know, see everything in Black and White,
They listen, but it always seems to come out the same way: Black and White.
"All or nothing" I hear them say, even though the words never leave their mouth.
"All or nothing" seems so cruel, itapos;s not fair,
At the same time, what is fair?
I have no reason to place blame, but itapos;s hard to live with the gray,
I donapos;t want to, and I donapos;t have to,
But the world seems so much more colorful,
In Black and White.

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Well Well Well
Hello, yaapos;ll
Guess what?
:] yes, that fuckinapos; cutthroat bitch, Drama.
I hate it.
do you?
I always seem to have one person in my life that I love except they do one thing that just...makes me so angry with them: They either cause drama or they repeat a drama.
And of course they do this everyday.
In the beginning all is fine.
Then they bitch and complain a little more each day
then BOOM
Iapos;m glad the friend I was talking about IS�DOING�SOMETHING�ABOUT�IT. Haha for the last few days sheapos;s been whining about the same damn person. I mean I do that with Kayla, but I canapos;t lash out and tell her off, sheapos;s my sister and I only see her around my parents so I canapos;t.
I feel kinda sorry for Becca.
First, She was caught as the other woman with Ramiro who was dating Sam. And Sam found out.
Then this shit thatapos;s going with her and Nicole.
Ah shit I still need me CDs and the brownie mix from Ty and I still have his shit.

I spent the night at Tayapos;s on Thursday
Then she spent the night here on Friday
Last night, she, ty, and Christina all went and pranked someoneapos;s yard
At first it was going to Amandaapos;s
but alas the fuckinapos; idiot was awake lol.
And so they did Montanaapos;s yard
and nearly got caught :]
Those lovable idiots
lol Me, I got to stay back and watch the stuff they didnapos;t use lol read An Abundance of Katherines by John green

Um anyway the story Iapos;m going to work on soon.
lmfao Forks Marching Utensils
:] Tyler is making an imaginary Marching Band for FORKS yapos;know. STEPHANIE�MEYERapos;s TWILIGHTapos;S�FORKS�:]
yeah Iapos;m the one that made up the utensils :]
My vein hurts :/
The stupid nurse did somethin I swear.
I had my hand clenched, holdinapos; my daddyapos;s hand with my other hand and she wrapped the rubber thingy around my arm and took my blood. Very painfully :[ and then when she undid the rubber, IDK�WHAT�THE�FUCK�HAPPENED�but damn it was like the elastic fuckinapos; snapped against a vein near the vein she was drawing from because the vein instantly was sensitive and hurting like fuck. My skin above it is still fuckinapos; sensitive. It hurts badly :[ Um also Iapos;m getting up there for Diabetes because of it being on both sides of my family and Iapos;m overweight and yadda yadda. :[ Thing is though, I donapos;t want to learn bout my health. This is one subject I have no clue why but my brain will not learn. I blantly refuse to learn it for some reason. I want to stay ignorant on my health. I think itapos;s because of this recent thing with Grandpa. Iapos;m dead serious when I say even when I was trying to understand what the doctor was saying my brain just idk I wasnapos;t getting any of it. I canapos;t remember what happened at all. Itapos;s like Iapos;m seeing the footage but thereapos;s no audio. Or little mumbles. When I think back on it. :[ Iapos;m sure I came off like I could careless but the truth is Im scared shitless and I guess I donapos;t care whether or not I die young or something. IDK :/ it just really sucks
Once I finish Chapter One Iapos;ll post it.
That is when I go back several times and make everything flow better and just generally sound better.
:] I guess

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cleanrooms west

I�wish I�had more time.
I wish my character hadnapos;t died in the Sims.
I�wish I�wasnapos;t so young.
I wish I didnapos;t feel so old.
I�wish I�could have a lavish wedding.
I�wish I could travel the world.
I�wish school wasnapos;t so hard.
I wish I�didnapos;t have so much homework.
I wish I�werenapos;t so lonely.
I wish I�was skinny.
I wish I was pretty.
I wish I�didnapos;t have so much laundry.
I�wish my feet werenapos;t so big.
I�wish my computer could be reformatted.
I�wish I�had a new digital camera.
I�wish I�had my own microprocessor.
I wish I had more money.
I�wish I�could afford life.
I�wish people would like me.
I wish I�werenapos;t a bitch.
I�wish I could take psychology classes.
I�wish I�had time to do art.
I�wish I�didnapos;t complain so much.
I wish I�had an iPod.
I�wish I�didnapos;t have ADD.
I�wish I�didnapos;t have bipolar disorder.
I�wish bipolar medication didnapos;t make me feel so shitty.
I�wish people would listen to me.
I�wish I�had more clothes.
I�wish I�had more shoes.
I wish I�had a different purse.
I�wish I�was healthier.
I�wish I�could sleep in my dorm.
I wish my hair would do what itapos;s supposed to.
I�wish my nails wouldnapos;t break.
I wish I�felt appreciated.
I wish I�felt needed.
I�wish my scars would disappear.
I wish I�was smaller.
I wish I�could run away.
I�wish I�could disappear.
I wish people would notice me.
I�wish it was always autumn.
I�wish I�could spend more time with Dan.
I�wish I�could spend more time with my family.
I wish I could spend more time with my friends.
I�wish I�hadnapos;t lost touch with so many people.
I�wish I�could take a vacation.
I�wish I had a new job.
I�wish I�wasnapos;t so lazy.
I�wish I�exercised more.
I�wish I�had more motivation.
I�wsih I�could fast forward life.
I�wish I�could pause time.
I�wish I�could feel alive.

I�wish I�wasnapos;t such a failure.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

doubletree hotel omaha

Perhaps itapos;s time I just blog with more words other than uploading pictures and let them do the talking.
Raya have been great, no doubt. Itapos;s always awesome. The most awesome part of raya is when you get green packets with money (min. $2) inside. Yes, minimum is $2. Something which was far below awesome was, exams. Exams during raya, not a fun thing. Instead of going to peoplesapos; house, collecting money, I am to sit at home and rot. Itapos;s not like as if I studied or something.
Speaking of exams, Iapos;ve got back some of my papers. What came to my surprise was, when I first got back my Paper 1, i only got 29 out of 50. Never got that before. I would at least get 35 marks, or higher. Dissapointed of course. But, what made me happy was when I got back my paper 2. I thought i would get like 30+ considering that I only scored 29 for my paper 1. But boy was I wrong, I got 45 for Paper 2 which I claimed was difficult than Paper 1. It made me screamed like hell when I saw that mark. Yes, surprised Like what Lydia said: People like me(good in math, sungguh bangge), could only score those hard type of questions and not the easy ones. I do tend to make a lot of careless mistakes for the easy-type of questions. Itapos;s because I cramped all the formulas in my head. But somehow, I couldnapos;t remember the volume of cone when I was doing the question, in this case, for only paper 1.
Iapos;m done with math; now History, English, Literature, Art and Geography.
I failed History, as usual 33. I passed english. I passed both papers; 1 2. But, paper 1 helped me most and my Summary helped me pull up my paper 2apos;s marks. Thank
While the rest of my classmates got back their result for Lit, Art and Geog, I was at home, sleeping happily. Yes, I gave school a miss today. From what Azylla told me, I failed Geo (not knowing my marks) and passed my Lit but not itapos;s overall. And obviously, I will fail my art. Why? Simply because I did my prep work during the paper itself. Instead of drawing, I wrote. Cool huh? Definitely wonapos;t score Tomorrowapos;s Adda birthday. Or shall I say, in a few hours time?

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

calendar promotional wall

Truly nothing has really happened today...I woke up way early...I drove to school...schooled...and drove home...Iapos;m shocked at how fast Iapos;ve fallen into a routine...I miss spontaneity...

There were a few things that happened today I guess...I cooked in home economics...I researched some crappy artist in art...basically lessons suck big mega time and are all full of super epic FAIL

Monique is still hating me for something I haveapos;nt done wrong, seriously she is insane, I haveapos;nt done anything and she still has a go at me under her breath and walks away any time I do anything...itapos;s so freaking annoying, seriously if she keeps this up I will seriously curse her into oblivion (I can do that...I have ways of making things happen�*shifty eyes*)

Haha I woke up at 4am for no reason whatsoever it was so weird, and I was so tired I could hear my msn going off and I didapos;nt even have the willpower to rollover and type "sorry, need sleep".

Ashey has been kinda down lately...and for some reason I think itapos;s my fault...but seriously I miss his happiness...because it made me happy, and I am happy, but it seems the happier I am the more miserable and unlucky he gets...maybe I should let myself slip back into the cold�embrace of depression... But he seriously has been miserable...no sleep...all his possesions seem to be breaking or going missing...and he was badgered by the tram police (LOSERS) for losing his ticket...�but he was so upset...and I so badly wanted to hold him, and remind him how loved and special he is...and tell him he isnapos;t scum...but all I could do was go to school as he rolled over to sleep...Iapos;m so worried about him...

Iapos;m feeling kinda blue so Iapos;m gonna stop here.

Luv for everyone, but Love for Ashey...xoxo

Peace out

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